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SITRANS LIFE: ensuring a fair clean energy transition for all

Europe’s clean energy transition celebrates another year of progress. KIKLO participated in the LIFE SITRANS project to ensure traditional coal mining areas are not left behind. Read more The [...]

Sponsorship of HellasGIS 13th Conference

KIKLO, a proud sponsor and member of HellasGIS, is excited to support and participate in scientific debate and discovery in the heart of Athens for the 13th Hellenic GIS Conference [...]

Hellas GIS Partnership

KIKLO is proud to partner with HellasGIS, a non-profit organization of scientists and institutions that use GIS technology to analyze issues of a geographical nature. GIS applications vary, comprising among [...]

Online event SymbIASIS – Startups pitching Hospitals

KIKLO participated in the online networking event "Startups Pitching to Hospitals" for startups and hospitals on Monday, November 11th, 2024 (12:00-12:00 and/or 15:00-17:00). The event aimed to foster introductions and [...]

SymbIASIS Webinar

KIKLO will participate on 30 September 2024 at the webinar SymbIASIS -"Supporting digital transformation in healthcare through the development of Interoperable Electronic Health Records". The workshop is mainly aimed at [...]

Innohealth Forum and Match4Health Event

KIKLO participated in the InnoHealth Forum and Match4Health Hydrid Event which were held at JOIST- Innovation Park Larissa, Greece, 20-21 September 2024 to raise awareness of our work and highlight [...]


KIKLO participated at the 88th Thessaloniki International Fair ( TIF), 7-15 September 2024, held in Thessaloniki, Greece. During 10-11-12 September a dedicated booth at Pavillion 17 / Stand 19 / [...]

SYNERGiNN EDIH – Kick Off Meeting

KIKLO attended the Kick-off Meeting of the SYNERGiNN EDIH EU-funded Project that took place 12 July 2024 in Kozani, Greece. The Digital Innovation Hub of Western Macedonia (SYNERGiNN EDIH: SYNergy [...]

ENIGMA Project General Meeting, Valletta, Malta

Kiklo attended the 4th general meeting of the ENIGMA Project, Endorsing safeguarding, protection, and provenance management of cultural heritage, which completed 18 months of accomplishments. The General meeting of the […]

PREPARE Project 1st Year Meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece

Kiklo participated in a successful 1st year meeting of PREPARE EU Project, held in Thessaloniki Greece and organised by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

PREPARE Roundtable event – “Common challenges of AI strategies-related EU/HaDEA funded projects”

KIKLO participated in PREPARE‘s first Roundtable event – “Common challenges of AI strategies-related EU/HaDEA funded projects”, a hybrid event that took place on 10 June 2024 both online and on-site […]

DigiOrch -Επετειακή Συναυλία Συμφωνικής Ορχήστρας ΑΠΘ για 25 Χρόνια

H KIKLO σε συνεργασία με το Τμήμα Δημοσίων Σχέσεων του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης, (ΑΠΘ) και τη Συμφωνική Ορχήστρα του ΑΠΘ εμπλούτισε και προσάρμοσε την εφαρμογή DigiOrch για χρήση από το [...]

Unique Object Identification

Identifying and cataloguing Unique Objects in Cultural Heritage involves creating a system that ensures accurate documentation, preservation, and accessibility. The Unique Object Identifier (UOI) is an international licensing/identification system that […]

Biofuels Biomass-Renewable Energy Sources

Biofuels that have similar properties to and can be used for the same purposes as petroleum distillate fuels include biodiesel, renewable diesel, renewable jet/aviation fuel, and renewable heating oil. Along […]

Climate Change-Montenegro

Montenegro is a young small state in the Western Balkans, located in the central part of a moderately warm zone in the Northern Hemisphere. It borders with Croatia in the […]

Renewable Energy Sources- Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is heat within the earth. The word geothermal comes from the Greek words geo (earth) and therme (heat). Geothermal energy is a renewable energy source because heat is […]

Climate Change- North Macedonia

North Macedonia has made progress in climate change actions. The country’s 2005 Law on Environment already provided a backbone for a legal framework. However, with the currently drafted Law on […]

Joint Research Centre (JRC) – Newsletter

Since technology is our main engine in today’s world, the opportunities are limitless. The Joint Research Centre from the EU Science Hub of the European Commission provides independent, evidence-based knowledge […]

Data Transformation in Hospitals

Vast amounts of data are generated within the healthcare industry through various sources such as electronic health records (EHRs), medical imaging, genomic sequencing, wearable devices, telemedicine, and administrative systems. This […]

Climate change- Bosnia and Herzegovina

Climate change poses a significant threat to global socioecological systems, with predictions of surpassing critical atmospheric warming thresholds by 2040. Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) faces intensifying climate challenges, including rising […]

Renewable Energy Sources-Hydropower

Humans have used water power for centuries. But we didn’t start making hydropower—electricity from our rivers, streams, and lakes—until just over 100 years ago, not too long after Thomas Edison […]

Climate changes in West Balkans

The Western Balkans faces a common set of environmental challenges, as land use is changing. People move to cities and coastal regions resulting in the loss of coastal habitats and […]

ENIGMA Project 1st Year General Meeting, Limassol, Cyprus

Kiklo attended the general meeting of ENIGMA Project, Endorsing safeguarding, protection, and provenance management of cultural heritage, which completed its first year of accomplishments. The General meeting of the project […]

Wind Power

Wind is a renewable energy source. Overall, using wind to produce energy has a lower environment impact than many other energy sources. Wind turbines do not release emissions that can […]

SITRANS 1st Year Meeting

KIKLO attended the Partner’s Meeting of the EU-funded Project SITRANS. To mark the 13th month since the project's start, the SITRANS project consortium partners convened in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria from [...]

Coal transition in Greece

In September 2019, during the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis pledged to phase out all coal-powered electricity production by 2028, making Greece […]

The benefits of Remote Sensing for Cultural Heritage monitoring, protection and management

Climate-driven storms cause catastrophic flooding around the world.

Extreme rainfall from Storm Daniel has hit parts of the central and eastern Mediterranean, leading to devastating flooding and loss of life in Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria and Libya, the worst affected country.

Cultural Heritage Database

The task of protecting Cultural Heritage poses several challenges. One of the most central of these relates to the question of which Cultural Property should be placed under special legal […]

Meeting of ArcGIS Users of Greece – Cyprus 2023

KIKLO participated at the Greece – Cyprus 2023 ArcGIS Users Meeting, which took place in Athens and was organised by Marathon Data Systems, ESRI‘s official product provider. An overview of […]

List of World Heritage in Danger is broadening thanks to human-created Climate Change

Venice is known for its maze-like canals, Renaissance buildings and gondola rides. But what makes this picturesque city so famous is under threat due to human-caused Climate Change.

Cultural Heritage in conflicts and wars 

War and armed conflicts affect many aspects of life. As well as the humanitarian toll it takes, conflicts often involve damage to and the destruction of cultural heritage as well as the looting of artefacts. Cultural heritage has been deliberately targeted in recent conflicts and wars, and the more we talk about cultural heritage and its value and the importance of protecting it, the more interesting it becomes for some groups to target it

The West Balkans Drina River Basin Floating Problem 

The Drina River Basin is ecologically rich and has major untapped economic potential from hydropower, fisheries, and tourism. But its floods and droughts also pose a major risk to the three countries it spans. The frequency and scope of extreme wet and dry episodes in the basin have increased in recent years, and climate change is likely to further accentuate these peaks and troughs.

Supporting Coal Regions in Transition

Coal regions are often remote and highly dependent on their local coal economy. As such, the severe and rapid disruption to coal production and consumption will lead to profound socioeconomic impacts for affected regions.

European Researchers’ Night

Universities and research facilities around the world are getting ready for an exciting event: Researchers’ Night 2023—which takes place as fall approaches and winter draws near. This yearly academic night […]

Climate Risk in the West Balkans 

As countries in the Western Balkans continue to grow, so too does their exposure to risk from climate change and natural disasters. Over the last twenty years, living standards have increased six-fold in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and nearly three-fold in Albania and Serbia. More people are finding jobs and wages are rising. The region’s future, according to the latest World Bank projections, is bright.

Roses Project General Meeting, Korce,Albania

KIKLO attended the Partner’s Meeting of the EU-funded Project "ROSES Cross Border Risk Awareness in Western Balkans"  that took place 28-29 September 2023 in Korce, Albania on Host Nation Support [...]

Cultural Heritage and the War in Ukraine 

Cultural heritage is an important issue of identity. The destruction of Ukrainian cultural heritage shows that the war in Ukraine is not just about security and economic issues. Destroying tangible, and also intangible cultural heritage by, for example, banning traditions, languages or even an emotive word, is a form of psychological, moral and political warfare.